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느낌이 좋은 사람은
가장좋은 사람입니다
가장 좋은사람은
여러분이 그냥좋은
앙꼬와 함께 행복한
하루 보내세요

기다림을 많이 연습히다보면
죽을것같이 느껴지는 더딤속에
조바심을 내지 않는법을 깨닫게되고 그러다보면 오래 기다릴줄
알고 어느때 포기해야 하는줄도
알게되고 무엇을 내려놔야
하는줄도 알게되며 또 다른
희망을 품을줄도 알게된다.

귀한 한 주가 시작되었네요.

귀한 한 주도 잘 쓰고
반납할 때 감사하다 말할 수 있는 내가 됩시다.

하루하루를 잘 사용하는 마음을 통해 늘 귀한 시간의 주인공이 되어 빛납시다.
주목앙꼬의 뜻이랍니다♡♡♡

Comment why you not satisfied with Anko site

This is a very good and very strong project 🎉
The team’s dedication and ingenuity with excellent fan support will make this the envy of the crypto world.

That Wheel Of Happiness (erroneous name I guess) I can’t get it. What is the secret to make 10,000 Anko Coin? Please someone talk

Một dự án tốt, nên tham gia!


My favorite site I use numbers regularly I have made a lot of money from numbers This is a trusted site You all work on this site and earn money for yourself and be happy This company has been there for a long time

Уррррааааа,отличное настроение,прекрастно прожитый день и вообще красота. Всем всего доброго.

Official 🇲🇲 Myanmar Broadcast
Presented by Gaming Noodle
Army Geniuses vs Xerxia, Bo3
Casters : Silencz & Kelvin Layy

Очень важно иметь каждому свое мнение,ведь спорим и приходим к истине. Но не всегда удобно высказывать,что бы не ранить ближнего. Давайте правильно пользоваться мнением.

И снова здравствуйте,сегодня отличная погода и прекратный день. Всем хорошего настроения и прекрастных событий

efer အများဆုံး 10ယောက်ပဲရှာလို့ရမယ်

Korea project ဖြစ်လို့ အနည်းငယ်ရူတ်ပါမယ်

App က ကျနော် link ထုတ်ပေးထားပါမယ် One store ကနေ ဆွဲနေရင် ပိုရူတ်ကုန်မှာ ဆိုးလို့ပါ

Вот и закончился день с унылой погодой. Завтра будет солнце и уже хорошо.

Dunno what to do that to happen to me and you are my best friend in need of money and come back and forth I am in office today as well and

My wrist was sore from cleaning the living room with a wet mop,
so I went to the mart to buy a cleaning cloth.
Even if you compare this and that, it’s a disposable
mop, but it’s too expensive.
After thinking about it for a while, my wrist was more important , so I bought
an expensive cleaning cloth . I also want to take care

Anko is doing great, keeping us warm and updating the infrastructure for us to gain more

정신없이 보낸한주다
보람도 있다
이제 한숨자고
또 새로운 한주를 맞이해보자
편하고 행복한 꿈나라 다녀오세요

답답한우리는돈때문에 고민합니다돈돈돈돈과의약속은생명과도바꾸는약속아닌가요그렇게하고살아왔는데상대들은돈을우섭게보는것같아요모든거래는돈으로부터시작인데돈을여사로약속을여사로여기면상거래가이루어집니까아주재미없는세상이오아가사업하는미천은줘야되잔소

답답한우리는돈때문에 고민합니다돈돈돈돈과의약속은생명과도바꾸는약속아닌가요그렇게하고살아왔는데상대들은돈을우섭게보는것같아요모든거래는돈으로부터시작인데돈을여사로약속을여사로여기면상거래가이루어집니까아주재미없는세상이오아가사업하는미천은줘야되잔소

How are you are not 🚭in crypto industry in the world 😞I am in

First comment sure your membership .Do fast and reserve it

Sa r in hindi for your reference on my son is asking

🪂 폴리곤 에어드랍 이벤트


ANKO 거래 촉진을 위한 폴리곤 에어드랍 이벤트.