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Anko White Paper

Anko dreams. It's up to you to make that dream a reality.

White Paper

Table of Contents

Purpose of ANKO


ANKO aims to provide various opportunities to blockchain novice users without risk. We hope that the on-chain experience will allow beginners to understand the blockchain method and seize new opportunities based on the on-chain experience.

On-chain barrier to entry


Most people don’t know what on-chain is. Many people need to understand on-chain to actually use the coin or understand the value of a blockchain project.

However, blockchain is difficult to understand, and understanding the decentralized operation of Dapps is even more difficult. In particular, handling coins on-chain for beginners is scary to gain experience because there is a risk of losing them.

There are reasons that make on-chain activities difficult and barriers to entry, especially for beginners to get started with blockchain/on-chain.

  1. Most of the major Dapps exist on the EVM network and require a governance coin or Ethereum to use Dapps.
  2. However, Ethereum is too expensive, so it loses motivation for on-chain activity.
  3. Other EVM coins also require a monetary price (coins must be purchased) for the on-chain experience.
  4. Also, special care is required to handle these coins on the blockchain. If you make a mistake, no one will take care of you. There is a risk of coin loss/theft

So, for beginners to understand and use Onchain, Need an opportunity to use on-chain easily and risk-free

On-chain ramp for beginners


Anko will be a risk-free entryway for beginners to understand and experience real blockchain/on-chain.

  1. Giving tokens with monetary value for free in an easy and fun way (ANKO)
  2. Mainnet governance token required for on-chain transactions is provided free of charge 
  3. Experience blockchain transactions through various Dapps using ANKO (voting, staking, cross-chain, DEX swap, private key storage, NFT transaction, etc.)

Distribution through polygons


Anko will initially be distributed simultaneously on Ethereum and Polygon. It is minted in Ethereum, but allows it to be distributed at a lower cost through Polygon, a sub-network of Ethereum.

Holders can convert their tokens from Polygon to Ethereum through the Polygon Bridge if needed.

In this way, Anko holders can conduct on-chain transactions with a small fee, and Anko provides the fees required in the polygon network to early Anko holders (Matic Token).

holder is everything


Blockchain itself is a decentralized/trustless system, but not all functions are decentralized.
Implementation of business plans/operations is simply a promise between the project owner and the investors, and the investors only trust the project owner.

For an advanced decentralized method, we aim for a structure in which decisions can be made by holders, and holders and founders can enjoy profits together.

Holder Expansion Strategy


The primary key indicator (KPI) of Anko’s growth is the number of holders. It is also an indicator of more beginners experiencing on-chain.
The second key metric is the number of transactions. This is because it proves that many people who hold Anko are actually making multiple transactions on-chain.

We plan to distribute ANKO in a free but valuable way to increase holders. Reward ANKO for activities that grow Anko

We will release Dapps that can experience on-chain transactions and develop business so that Anko can be adopted by external Dapps.

Value of ANKO

We ourselves will value ANKO at $300 million with 500,000 holders and 1.5 million transactions. Shibainu Coin has a market cap of 20 trillion with 1.2 million holders and 7 million transactions.

100 trillion ANKO will be issued, and we will act as if the value of one is 0.0001 won.
It will be as we imagine!
The value of the coin is created by the holder. Don’t treat cute Anko worthless. Don’t throw it away for a cheap price. Proudly tell the story of your experiences and the growth of ANKO in the future.

Scenario for 100 trillion

It’s a 0.001% chance, but if you want ANKO’s market capitalization to reach $100 billion and your Anko holdings to become hundreds of thousands of dollars, you can do that. It is entirely up to the holders. We share our plan to achieve this.

  1. Spread the anko hard. No financial risk whatsoever. The more you spread Anko, the more ANKO you get. I will keep a good appearance so that you will not be embarrassed when promoting ANKO.
  2. holder is extended. Now, we will work hard to release tools that can use ANKO. Exchanges, NFTs, games…
  3. Rather, it is increasing on-chain transactions more easily because it is not listed on an exchange. You can easily give and receive without burden.
  4. Transfer the ANKO collected into polygons to Ethereum through the polygon bridge.
  5. As the value of Ankko gradually increased and the price increased, it became difficult to increase the number of holders in the conventional way. Now, it seems that ANKO’s unique Dapp is needed.
  6. Perhaps a market cap of $100 billion will be a lunar story. Don’t get your hopes up too high. Just enjoy the process.
  7. Don’t feel sorry for the astronomical amount of anko, which is only a few dollars. All processes are created by us, so enjoy the value beyond that.

Token specification