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كود تاب اسواب اليوم

Hello friends
How are you feeling? Our weather is very hot. Temperature 32 but feels like 43. Any suggestions?
Take care


آصبْحتُ ، لآ آعآتبْ ولاّ آنَآقش آحْد , بٓل أكتَفْيّ بِ مسْح مُحٓآدثهْہ أو إنْهَآء مُكآلمهَہ و آلآبْتعَآد كثيِرًآ.


ربِّــيُ رَجَوْتُكَ
فِيْ هَذَا اليوم أَنْ
♡ قُلُوْبْ ♡
وَ أَحْبَابٍـــيُ
وَ أَصْدَقُـــائِيُّ
وَكَــلَ مْـنَ يَعْـرِفِنيَ
‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ وَتُعْطِـيـهُمْ مَـا يَتَمَنَّـوَنَـهِ
وَعَطِــرَ صَـدُرُورِهُمْ بِالْإِيـمَانَ
وَارْزُقْـهُمْ الْخَلُّــوَدَّ فًـيَ الْجِــنَانِ
*يارب اجعلنا من أهل الرحمة*
&والمغفرة و من عتقائك من النار&
♡ ♡♡اللهم آمـــــين يارب العالمين ♡♡♡
جمعة طيبة مباركة

گوشی عوض کردم ولی نمیتونم اندوخته آنکو که به تراست ولت انتقال دادم رو بیارم


احيَانْاً يَكونْ بِداخَلنَا كلَامٌ لاَ يْحَتاجُ إلىٌ أذنً تَسْمَعّه بَل يَحتْاجُ إلىٌ ( قَلبً ) يَشْعُر بِه .


قبل أن تحكم على شخص ! ضع نفسك مكانه وعِش ظروفه ‘ ثم . . قل مآ تَشاء ؟

Speech is like medicine, a little of it is beneficial and a lot of it is fatal.


Btc is very very loo daun so don’t investment today

하나둘씩 흩날리네요
사랑 그 흔한 맘으로
참아왔던 외로움의 시간들
고이 안아주던 그대 품 속에서
터져오는 눈물을 꾹 참죠

Жара. Провела 2 встречи. Сделали большой обмен. И в сад – поливать и косить траву

Хотел съездить в Екатеринбург, но с утра зарядил дождь, посмотрел и не поехал.

On the 24th, a large fire broke out at a lithium primary battery production plant located in the Jeongok Marine Industrial Complex in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, and 22 people died as of 6:30 p.m. that day. Two people caught up in the fire were seriously injured, and six people were slightly injured. The fire department is also confirming the whereabouts of one person who has not been contacted.

На улице совсем похолодало, даже солнце ☀️ не хочет выглядывать.

[John 6:32] Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, Moses did not give you bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.

Please be nice to the study bugs. You may end up working for that person later.

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Thank you Anko Fighting. I love you, I love you, Anko Fighting. I love you, Anko Fighting. Take care, Anko Fighting, Anko Fighting, Anko Fighting, Anko Fighting, Thank you. This is Angkko Fighting. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Angkko Fighting. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your hard work, this is Angkko Fighting. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you, this is Angkko Fighting. Thank you, for your hard work, thank you. Haha yes,

Anko is the best

Today is my husband’s 70th birthday!
I later decided to go on a special overseas trip after quitting my job and take pictures at a photo studio as a souvenir. I also decided to have a recital next year to commemorate my 70th birthday. I decided to do a Schubert song. My husband is a tenor singer. He went on to graduate school and mentored students taking entrance exams.

Встретились с Леной Красновой. сделали связку. И вдруг подумала, что при всем внешнем благополучии и Лена, и Наташа, скорее, -мои тайные недоброжелатели

the red light of hope, the light of dawn, creates a
majestic sunrise scene in the Rose of Sharon River and blooms in the sky, creating a red sunset ~~ five-colored flower clouds covered in light are blooming.

Вернули деньги в MC. Вернула долги. Завтра – т.Але

Похоже жара доконала меня. Уже несколько дней чувствую себя очень плохо.

매일 동산에 올라 운동중에
어린이집에서 2~3세 4~5세
애들이 선생님 타라서 산에
운동겸 견학을 하러 만이들 오네요
너무 예뻐요
선생님들이 힘들겠어요 화이팅