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bag without checking its condition, and when I tried to wash it,
half of it was spoiled due to the hot weather. It was browned and I could clearly see it

ANKO’s circulation, we are considering a function that allows selective withdrawal of ANKO using SHIB, PEPE,

ANKO를 사거나 팔기 위해 수수료로 지불할 폴리곤이 있어야 해요. ANKO를 매수하시면 좋지만 먼저 보유중인 ANKO를 팔아보시는 경험을 위해 수수료 목적의 폴리곤을 드리는 취지입니다

ANKO can be traded and transferred on two blockchains: Ethereum and Polygon. There are many holders with ANKO in Polygon