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According to the SushiSwap team, whitehat security teams swept up funds obtained through the exploit while blackhat hackers stole some. SushiSwap victims have a chance of recovering their funds, whether maliciously stolen by white hat hackers or stolen maliciously.

As announced, users whose funds were swiped by white hat security teams can claim them shortly. As part of the refund process, the SushiSwap development team is currently working on a Merkle Claim contract that users can connect to receive their refunds.

However, users who have lost funds due to attacks will need to contact SushiSwap’s security team via email with transaction IDs and blockchain data. The process would take longer since the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) would need to manually verify each claim’s legitimacy.

In addition, SushiSwap pointed out that users who did not interact with the protocol over the past ten days are unlikely to be affected by the hack. Nevertheless, the team advised users to check their approvals for security reasons.


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