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Omni Network Explained: Can Ethernet’s Next-Generation Communication Protocol Solve the Rollups Split?

Recently, building infrastructure projects using EigenLayer has become popular among developers.These projects are called Active Validation Services (AVS), which refers to any system that requires its own decentralized validation semantics for authentication.These systems may include DA tiers, new virtual machines, prophecy machines, bridges, etc. The purpose of this paper is to describe the first upcoming AVS system, Omni Network, whose parsed intrinsic mechanisms, when successfully brought online, can be equated to a two-sided upgrade in security and experience when compared to LayerZero.Rollups are the current and future scaling solution for Ethernet. the use of Rollups gradually increases from 2021 to 2023, which, as can be seen in the chart, brings a nearly 10x increase in transaction throughput for Ethernet L1.


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