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My Revelation

In a dream, I was in somewhere like a market place. In that dream, I knew that I have dreamnt of such dream before.
So, as I was walking along the path of that market, I remembered that some kids picked a bomb, without knowing what it was….. As they were playing with it, the bomb exploded, and killed some of the kids.
Consequently, I started searching to know if I will see kids around there playing with something like a bomb. As I was searching, I realized that the bomb has been thrown in middle of the market place where I was headed. As a result, I turn to rush back, when the bomb exploded. Thus, the impact raised every object around flying on air. This time, what I saw was myriad of beds and beddings rose and were flying on air. I also noticed that so many kids were sleeping when the bomb went off, and as a result, all of them went to coma. But none were killed by the bomb. So, all the kids that were in coma condition were carried and laid down, and were being awaited to rise (as the women said in that dream)


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