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Whether you marry early or late is inconsequential in the scheme of things.

After all said and done, what is important is that you married well and you married right.

Don’t marry a wicked partner.
Don’t marry nonsense as well.

Don’t marry because having sex with him or her is too good to be true.

Don’t marry because he has a big penis or because the vagina is too sweet.

Some people have learned from successful and healthy marriages, better than being jealous, that how far you go in life and the final outcome of your life are tied to the person you marry.
In fact, marrying right is an extra incentive and the right tool for building generational wealth.

The peace of mind and stability that come with this are underrated and are often not discussed.
So I’m begging you, people, to marry well and marry right.
The time it happened is not important and very inconsequential.

Life is a function of luck, time, and chance, and I have learned that we don’t have the same clock or the same luck in life..

There is no universally accepted timeline for marriage.
It is a decision you need to make when you are financially, morally, and physiologically ready, and the age you choose to make it is immaterial.
What is important and material is to marry right.
Marrying right trumps the age and time the marriage happened.

Tony Elumelu is 60+… and still doing school runs….
It did not stop him from being his authentic self: a loving father and a self-driven, ambitious man who lived up to his highest potential.

Marry when you are ready.
Don’t be too hard on yourself that you have not married, and out of desperation, you married a toxic, vile, nagging woman who will reduce your life span because you have vowed to marry in your 20s because people in the world have told you there is a timeline.

See you, see stroke, my brother.
My dear sister, Don’t be too desperate, and then you marry a man who is so useless that he can’t provide for you and can’t satisfy your sexual and emotional needs.

Your own experience of marriage when others are discussing their marriage is domestic violence that includes constant slaps and thorough beatings.

All this because you were told that if you are not married before 30, it means you have failed as a woman.
My sister, you deserve better, and believe me, there is no timeline in my own book.

Marrying early or late is not the enemy, nor is it the goal.
The real enemy and tragedy is marrying the wrong partner and the real goal is marry right.

To any young person reading this: In all you do, strive and aspire for a good marriage.

The time it happened is irrelevant because there is no timeline for any milestone in life.
Marriage inclusive


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