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If the desire to receive is ahead of you,
the other person will not open the door.

Rather than opening the door, it becomes a vigilant mind.

A giving heart is an open heart.

It is a heart that accepts others without insisting on mine.

Listening to him and
accepting his heart is an open mind.

Humbling myself is the beginning of an open mind.

When you lower yourself and lower yourself again and become like that flatland, there are no more fences there.

There are no walls, no fences.

There is no quarrel there.

there is no conflict

no handicap

Because there is nothing harsh.

A giving heart is an open heart.

An open mind is a free mind.

If the fence is narrow, the place to stand is also narrow.

If you want to pile a lot, make the fence wide.

If you want to build more, build a fence

Break it down. An open mind is strong.

I have nothing to protect

I have nothing to do with anyone.


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