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Getting an airdrop in NFT is just one of the ways to play it!

Mad Lads NFT holders have just picked up Wormhole’s W tokens in their NFTs, not on the official drop site, but in their NFTs, a relatively new experience that has sparked a lot of curiosity, and upon deeper investigation, it turns out that Backpack’s xNFT protocol is able to tokenize the code, making the NFTs an executable program that can be used to perform advanced, customized functionality.An NFT in a wallet is an executable program, and holding it entitles you to use it. using a combination of NFTs and apps, Mad Lads had previously built a pledge points system and badge achievement system into NFTs, but only those who held them were aware of it. it took the arrival of Wormhole’s airdrop, and the internet’s flood of “Does your Mad Lads have a W Badge?” discussions to bring this kind of gameplay out of the ring.


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