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Christmas caming with another perspective

This year Christmas, even after pandemic film almost ended, arrive with a bitter taste.
Many of us realized that from now in the big power is against health and freedom. The tech advancement is now appearing in more and more aspect that are dangerous for a well balanced society where entire social class will be in the end deleted by survival scheme. This is because the climate change impose a depopulation and politicians married easily with the inevitable need of a depopulation ( fake science disinformation /generous donations has helped this thinking in the most part of the administrator of the communities around the world. The enormous problem to avoid that the plan will run smoothly is that almost 80 percent of global population is not so performant in understanding the situation they are victims of a inducted state of false reality perception that transform them in soldiers of the extermination, sheep’s steadily going to death singing.
This is the moment of giving strength to dubitation….they really care about us?
I hope new year will see a collective wakeup.
It’s now or maybe never.

Good luck world.


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