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Cancun Upgrade Preview: Six EIP Changes to Lead the Way for Ethernet

Long story short: The Cancun upgrade is approaching, and it contains implementation layer changes proposed by six EIPs, EIP-1153, EIP-4788, EIP-4844, EIP-5656, EIP-6780, and EIP-7516. EIP-4844 is the main focus of the upgrade, which is designed to improve Ether’s scalability, reduce transaction costs, and increase transaction speeds for L2. The Cancun upgrade has been available on the Ether Goerli, Sepolia, and Holesky testnets since January 17th, January 30th, and February 7th, and it is scheduled to be activated on Ether’s mainnet on March 13th. in the run-up to the upgrade, Salus has put together a list of the important security considerations of the upgrade, which developers can check out for themselves.


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