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BusyWhale2023 7communities mock trading competition revealed 2nd week winners yesterday

lIsuArt is the hosting community this week. At the end of 20:00 on Feb 10th, the top 3 portfolios wined costly rewards granted by @iisuArt, included 1) One free tour guide to IIsuArt gallery; 2) One free online Art course; 3) One piece of Yang Wan’s print named “Eve of Waves(浪起前夕)” with the market price at HKD100k.
Winners will also be granted BusyWhale Golden Accounts, with 6months 0 transaction fee after BusyWhale going-live.
Competitors shall execute their strategies, i.e. arbitrage, block-trade, by utilizing the OTC RFQ trading mode on BusyWhale. The competition will last for three more three weeks. Users who has interest may register on https://uat.busywhale.com/ to get the initial simulated capital for starting your trade.
Strategies really matters. It is reported that one of this week winners changed all his/her position from mainstream tokens to altcoins early this week


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