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ANKO(now) : 54784241🪙

(total) : 74784241🪙


Bravery is free spirit of the universe endow upon us to act in attacking anything attackable in the destiny race.

Rising of AnkoCoin

Pronounce this 21× You’ll see AnkoCoin going higher Good God God Good Amen 🙏

No More Downs.!

Not going back this time around Rising AnkoCoin again and again It’ll never go down but Ups..

Destiny Maker..!

Stand tall, walk tall, pray to God and be yourself to build your destiny, seeing yourself arriving at your destination is a great privilege and the blessings of God’s of the universe.

AnkoCoin weekend.!

Thank God it’s weekend, getting enough rest would do better before before new week stress unfold. Realizing with AnkoCoin

Chain of life!

To every end point, there’s always another / new starting point and that’s chain of life and the world itself.

AnkoCoin Chances.!

Life is full of opportunities and chances, sensitivity it’s all it take to grab it and don’t let it go if you sees one. 🌹

AnkoCoin River

Getting more and more extra Anko daily would do you lot good while at your disposal. Drink a lot of waters while at the river side quench not the thirsty, but taking some more extra with you in the jar, helps go extra miles.

Mirror Gives Back.!

Our inner thinking reflect on our outer body/life, and it determined who we are. Mirror gives back exactly what you projected into it. Think positively and take full responsibility of what you want to become..

Anko Open Doors.!

Lift up your head oh ye gates and be lifted up ye everlasting doors and let the king of glory come in, who is this king of glory, the Lord mighty in battle is the king of Glory.

Wake-Up !!!

Wake Up.! Wake Up.! Wake Up.! It’s Sunday Morning Stop Sleeping.! Stop Snoring.! Time for morning devotion. Say some prayer for wonderful mothers and AnkoCoin. Love you all. ❤️


I’ll lift up my head to hills Where cometh my help My help come from the Lord Who made Heaven and Earth.

Are You Anko Sea Goat.!

The Sea Goat of the AnkoCoin is practical and hardworking, and disciplined, so this is a wonderful opportunity to consider what you need to feel stable and secure for long term and set those intentions accordingly.

AnkoCoin 🌞

Make hey while the Sun 🌞 shine, acquire AnkoCoin as much as you can while it’s still free raining before the regrets of ignorance

Health is Wealth.!

Stay healthy and be happy cos; Your life worth more than a gold and silver. Your inner beauty speaks lot and interpret your outer beauty. Take care of it all.. Get AnkoCoin now and thank me later. 🥂🍾

Faith Works..!

Believes that there’s nothing impossible when you have faith and never let hope lost. AnkoCoin to the moon!

Food for thought!

What’s are your thinking towards Angko and what’s are the things you hoped for?. Share your dream of ideas and thoughts!

Hard-working And Discipline!

How can you refine what you’ve already done to make it work and bring it up to the next level.? How can you set yourself up for a success beyond this year.? Dream as big as you possibly can, and do not hold yourself back from receiving the abundance you deserve. Everything you want can

Generosity Boundary / Avoid Regrets.!

Patiently following this part will lead to your eventual success. You have a strong desire to help others and you have an ability to inspire them to help themselves. But remember that sometimes it’s best to leave people to their own device during difficulty situation. 💋

Enough is Enough!

The reason why we may not be seeing progress sometimes, is because we’ve already sacrificed too much and the universe is saying “Enough is Enough”. New tactics will now be required to see this project through; or it might be time to let go and turn our attention to more attainable prospects.

Maybe true or not !

However, that will be difficult to discern today. We may assume that to ascend the next rung of the lader in our professional or devotional. We must make a greater sacrifice. That may or may not be true.

Trust Yourself With ANKO!

Sometimes In life we feel unmoored, unsure of what to believe or who to place our faith in. If we could backup and get perspective, we would see that the person we must trust in, is ourselves. Have faith that ANKO would make us millionaires.


There’s time for everything in life. A time to show and time to rip. A time to laugh and time to cry. A time to love and time to hate. Learned how to apply those times is the most precious factor of it.