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Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination in Bangladesh is very conspicuous. The people of Bangladesh think women should confine themselves in household works. Staying at home has become a tradition for women.

Natural clematis

There are at present over two hundred species of Clematis known. They are spread more or less over all the great terrestrial regions, but the hardy ones are confined to Europe, N. Asia (especially China), and N. America. A New Zealand species, C. paniculata (indivisa), one of the most beautiful, is sometimes cultivated on walls

Gender discrimination

Gender discrimination in Bangladesh is very conspicuous. The people of Bangladesh think women should confine themselves in household works. Staying at home has become a tradition for women.

Female education

Female education is the pre-condition of the development of a nation. Both men and women are the members of a society. So it is true that both men and women should receive proper education in order to build up a happy society.

Population growth

One of the major problems the world is facing is the problem of the exponential growth of the population. This problem is the greatest one. Most countries in the world are showing a steep rise in population figures. The world’s resources are limited and so they cannot support a population beyond a certain limit. There

Food adulterated

Food adulteration means adding or mixing another substance to a food item in order to make more profit, preserve it for a long time or make it appealing. It reduces the actual quality of food item and causes health hazards. It is considered to be one of the major problems in our country. There is

Population proablem

growth of birth rate without any check. It is a constant threat to our environment and existence. It is the greatest problem in Bangladesh. The land area of Bangladesh is less than her vast population. For this reason, Bangladesh is considered as an overpopulated country. There are many reasons for the increasing

Environment pollution

Environmental pollution is a great threat to our normal life. Read the following questions and write a paragraph by answering them.

Tree plantion

Tree Plantation is one of the best activities for making the planet greener, livelier, and healthier. Planted trees help our biodiversity, ensure the supply of oxygen for the next generations, and provide us with various resources. Without trees, the existence of human life, as well as other species on earth, is impossible. So, we should

Tree plantation

Tree plantation means planting trees and plants on a large scale. The purpose of planting trees is to save the endangered environment. The main purpose of tree plantation is to enhance the beautify of our life. So to say, tree plantation is very important. Because it serves natural calamities like drought, stems, floods, etc. They

Environment pollution

Environmental Pollution is one of the major and serious threats nowadays. It is degrading the environment of Earth every time. The lifestyle of an individual is one of the reasons for causing Pollution. The harmful pollutants are mixing with our environment and degrading the quality.

Tree plantation

The tree is our best friend. Trees not only enhance natural beauty, but also prevent soil erosion, prevent floods, and protect lives and resources by preventing storms. Trees are immense to protect our climate. Without trees, the whole world can be a desert. Trees provide oxygen to