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Hello !

ANKO(now) : 2859382🪙

(total) : 12861159🪙


veryyyyy ggggooooddd nnnniiiiiccccceeeeee aaaaannnnnkkkkoooo ccccooooiiiiin,perfect and bif projhect


After biting the evening prize, my mother asked. “Yeah, where did you go during the day? ” “Where are you going? I’m just trying to wind it up!


but there’s news of rain… I’m worried about this year’s rainy season, wondering what kind of rain is coming out like this


Monero is being discussed at an unusually high rate due to the announcement that LocalMonero will cease operations as governments continue to crack down on XMR and other privacy-related assets


To buy or sell ANKO, you need to have a polygon to pay as a commission. It is good to buy ANKO


Family grows by eating love, but I regret not being good at giving that one thing well. Have a good night everyone~~^^


There are many holders with ANKO in Polygon, but many do not actually have Polygon. To buy or sell ANKO, you need to have a polygon to pay as a commission.


Their life was joyful, vibrant and unpretentious. Rich people and poor people lived together without discrimination, and even if there was a fault or mistake, they covered it up and said


Anko Coin has paid the network fees for all on-chain transactions (withdrawals, airdrops, and faucet transfers) conducted by Anko Coin on behalf of users.


my finger touch went wrong and I ended up having to take separate lectures in the morning and afternoon. Momentary Men I was in a panic


Total number: 8,000 (seems not yet minted) Allocation: 50,000 ULTI tokens allocated to one NFT Vesting: TGE15% (7,500), 15-month vesting


To manage ANKO’s circulation, we are considering a function that allows selective withdrawal of ANKO using SHIB, PEPE, or MATIC. (Scheduled to apply for a limited time)


Today is the first day of May. It’s Labor Day on the 1st. Rest comfortably and have a nice day~~ Fighting, Angko Fighting


lls me two or three times a day. Even though he doesn’t have much to say, he talks on his phone for thirty minutes or an hour. Then, when he has something to do, he hangs up and goes to do his business. If you ask me something I’m curious about, there are times when


함께하는 사람들의 모습도 함께 떠올려 봅니다. 기대와 열망을 가지고 미래를 향해 가봅니다. 오늘도 화이팅입니다 ~~~♡♡♡


인출할 수 있는 기능을 고려 중 입니다. (진행 되더라도 한시적 적용 예정) 어떤 코인이 좋을지 투표에 참여해 보시고 100,000 ANKO를 얻으세요


ANKO를 사거나 팔기 위해 수수료로 지불할 폴리곤이 있어야 해요. ANKO를 매수하시면 좋지만 먼저 보유중인 ANKO를 팔아보시는 경험을 위해


The Bible calls us “the salt of the world, the light, the fragrance of Christ, the letter of Christ.” This is the role of believers toward the world. Today we need to be faithful to our role.


Iii decided too look for the good in everyone I meet and not forget to say something nice. Today I decided to be happyyyy.