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Hello !

ANKO(now) : 44180329🪙

(total) : 54290782🪙

My first withdrawal has landed

Congratulations to me! I got my first withdrawal in my Trust wallet app already. Kudos to the ANKO PROJECT family. Please let us try to keep the flag flying. ANKO! ANKO!! ANKO!!!


In life, progress is when you refuse to stop moving. No matter what happened, don’t stop moving. If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. Just make sure you are moving.


How vital is that world today in making things happen as far as online businesses are concerned? Get acquainted with the use of it.


Let’s not beat the drums of war anymore especially in the developing countries of the world. War leads to a lot of calamities and in most cases, they can be avoided. Live and let others live too. Do unto others whatever you want them to do unto you.


May the world know peace. I pronounce and declare peace everywhere there is war and instability. Let’s learn how to tolerate one another especially in areas where we are different.

My first withdrawal

I made my first withdrawal from the ANKO project on 04/08/2023. Although, it’s yet to arrive in my wallet as it is expected to take about a week maximum but I’m glad this is happening. Keep the flag flying ANKO.

What is the way forward, Africa?

Africa : All manner of challenges here and there but with courage, will power and determination,we can surpass even the greatest country or continent at the moment. We just have to believe in ourselves.


Whatever you think you are worth is likely to be what your value in life will be. So, value yourself highly so that people can treat you with utmost respect.

Never too late

You are never too late to get involved in the crypto currency business. According to statistics, less than a quarter of the global population are involved in the crypto currency business. You can actually join today.


When a fisherman goes fishing, he catches everything the net finds. However, he goes ahead and sort out the bad from the good. There are tens of thousands of crypto currency out there but the onus is on you to sort out the gems in the midst of the rubble. ANKO ALL THE WAY

Manual or Robot trading?

Which one is better, manual or Robot trading? What edge does one have over the other? Which one would you like to go for and what are your reasons?


It’s a new week with a new month starting tomorrow. RISE up to the challenges of the incoming month and be prepared for the new crypto currency business trends

Warming up

Crypto currency business is gradually warming up globally especially as the perceived bull run approaches. Are you prepared for this?

Encourage yourself

In the race of life, you will meet up with challenges, don’t get discouraged. Whatever it throws at you, take it and mould it into something useful and worthwhile. When life throws you mud, make priceless pottery out of it. Encourage yourself no matter what the situation is around you.

Do you know?

Do you what will likely be the condition of crypto currency business globally in the next decade? Possibly,more people will gradually accept it with more countries adopting it too. However, it is a fact that it has come to stay.

A great day

Happy wet Sunday today. Nevertheless , don’t forget to get your daily tasks done today.


Are you prepared for the next phase of the crypto currency business globally? Don’t get left behind as you might not get that opportunity again. Regulations might be coming in faster than you expected.


My country Nigeria is ranked first in the list of Crypto enthusiastic country in Africa. You can actually check and confirm this information.

Knowledge is power

Acquire relevant information and knowledge before venturing into the crypto currency business. Technology is highly advance now.


You have to be ready and available to give it all it takes for that desired success to be achieved. Make a good decision backed up by a good plan. Don’t forget the place of God in all you do. Success is already knocking on your door.


How much money will be just enough for you? $10,000? Or maybe $100,000? Or maybe $1,000,000? Or maybe $10,000,000? How much? Human beings always want more.


Get ready for the bull run. Everything is working in that direction recently. Don’t miss it for anything as things might not be the same again in the crypto currency business worldwide after this forthcoming bull run.


What will be your best memories about ANKO many years from today? I’m thinking it’s gonna be a positive one. Keep the flag flying, ANKO family. Cheers!