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Moorthi I

Simple person love crypto

ANKO(now) : 5393500🪙

(total) : 25403500🪙

Good night

Good night everyone 😴 ✨ 💓 sweet dreams 😴 ………..

P2B Exchange

The trading engine used by P2B boasts 10,000 trades per second. This speed is capable of providing proper service to frequent traders and it makes P2B an ambitious exchange. We already mentioned that in terms of liquidity, P2B is quite a powerful exchange.


பங்குனி உத்தரம் என்பது சைவக் கடவுளாகிய முருகனுக்குரிய சிறப்பு விரத தினமாகக் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. இது பங்குனி மாதத்தில் வரும் உத்தர நட்சத்திர தினமாகும். தமிழ் மாதங்களில் 12ம் மாதம் பங்குனி.

Lite Coin

itecoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open-source software project released under the MIT/X11 license. Inspired by Bitcoin, Litecoin was among the earliest altcoins, starting in October 2011.

Changpeng Zhao

CEO Changpeng Zhao had previously founded Fusion Systems in 2005 in Shanghai; the company built high-frequency trading systems for stockbrokers. In 2013, he joined Blockchain.info as the third member of the cryptocurrency wallet’s team.


Happy week end April 5 so near and excited too……


Binance, is a global company that operates the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world in terms of daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies. It was founded in 2017. Binance was founded by Changpeng Zhao


Binance, is a global company that operates the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world in terms of daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies. It was founded in 2017. Binance was founded by Changpeng Zhao

Rama Navami

Rama Navami is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birthday of Rama, the seventh avatar of the deity Vishnu. The festival celebrates the descent of Vishnu as the Rama avatar……


Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain with smart contract functionality. Ether is the native cryptocurrency of the platform. Among cryptocurrencies, ether is second only to bitcoin in market capitalization. It is open-source software.


Cryptocurrency, sometimes called crypto-currency or crypto, is any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to secure transactions. Cryptocurrencies don’t have a central issuing or regulating authority, instead using a decentralized system to record transactions and issue new units.

P2B exchange

P2B Cryptocurrency Exchange is one of the biggest European digital assets exchanges that has successfully operated for over 5 years. It is now the most trusted platform offering the best go-to-market experience for crypto users and projects.


Anko cute little mochi character now in crypto I love this red bean mochi

Bit coin

Bitcoin is a protocol which implements a highly available, public, permanent, and decentralized ledger. In order to add to the ledger, a user must prove they control an entry in the ledger. The protocol specifies that the entry indicates an amount of a token, bitcoin with a minuscule b. The user can update the ledger,


Anko cute little moochi character… anko bean i like these red beans…. moochi….

crypto world

crypto currency will be used in future currency……..


Crypto world will make us richer ???? I think it does……..


ang kko going to listed in p2b exchange what will be the listing price???

10 million anko

Today I’m transferring 10 million anko to my trust wallet 😍😍😍😍😍😍