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rusafi bhai

nothing to say ankocoin go to the moon. Thanks for KYC system thanks

ANKO(now) : 13740750🪙

(total) : 55972665🪙

good day came

Sunset’s glow on horizons afar, Whispers of a nocturnal star. Moonlight’s dance on silent streams, Guiding dreams through nightly dreams. Nature’s lullaby, a calming hum, Underneath the sky’s vast drum. In every leaf and fleeting wing, A universe within a small poem’s spring.

im back

yep guys after a long time i acame back agai now work hard

Kn on

Be stronger than those who hate you, so that they cannot destroy you, and then forgive themOut of what context!? His prior statement was clear, so most likely he was overridden by the White House. This means that the open border policy will remain in place with no change

Elon mask

The real fight is not between right and left, but rather between humanists and extinctionists




Cryptocurrency, sometimes called crypto-currency or crypto, is any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to secure transactions. Cryptocurrencies don’t have a central issuing or regulating authority, instead using a decentralized system to record transactions and issue new units.


오늘은 늦은시간까지 일해요 투잡하다보니 많이피곤해요 그래도 먹고살려면 열심히 일해야죠 곧앙꼬가 상장이되면 가치가 오르겠지요 앙꼬야 대박나자


결핍에서 탄생한 천상의 목소리를 담은 …시간내서 일부러 보게되는 영화랍니다. 16-18세기 유럽을 지배한 예술사조이며, 장중함과 화려함을 내세운 바로크 예술~!! 그 바로크 예술이 지닌 역동성을 극적으로 표현한 카스트라토의 스토리를 담은 영화예요. 앙꼬홀더님들께도 적극 추천드려요~^^♡ 🍬 가족분들과 앙꼬 퍼즐풀기 가볍게 하시면서 편안하고 소중한 주말저녁 마무리하시길요~♡


Mining anko now is better than asking question of where and wat will be my gain mining a token that has no name… Tomorrow will show yh different of those that start early and those that will be gnashing teeth coz they don’t start early


My wrist was sore from cleaning the living room with a wet mop, so I went to the mart to buy a cleaning cloth. Even if you compare this and that, it’s a disposable mop, but it’s too expensive. After thinking about it for a while, my wrist was more important , so I bought


hi im happy and you hi im happy and you

hey guys

hey guys whats up hope doing good anko coin new update goodor bad comment yr thiught


With faith and patience, I look at the history through waiting. Let’s give thanks with joy thinking that we have already received while hoping for the reality of the invisible.


Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, as your soul prosper


Water collects in my eyes all day, and the frowning sky, as if it will flow at any moment, makes people’s hearts sink. My grandchildren say that Mother’s Day is cheap, but it’s raining only on Children’s Day. Nim! Have a nice holiday


Anko is a coin that prepares for the next julbang anyway. Now is the process of cheering each other on and preparing for the future. It is urgent to spread widely and raise awareness. If you do that, the jackpot will come later.


이상하게 변덕 부리는 날씨에도 일주일의 반 수요일이 가고 있습니다. 다들 건강에 유의하시고 행복하게 하루를 마무리하세요. 앙꼬화이팅!


If you wash the car, it will rain… Whether it’s raining or not.. Anyway, it’s raining. Have a taste… Have a happy afternoon. ^


Congratulations on Anko’s listing. Ethereum Anko only. Please take a look at the notice and hope there is no mistake. Currently, the encores received through bulletin board activities are polygon encores. Anko fighting!!! (part of notice) ANKO/USDT will be listed on the DeepCoin Exchange a

as saffar

A child buys fish cake and comes in. I like fish cake, also known as oden. I came to like it because I had memories of my childhood. The ones sold at the supermarket don’t taste like memories, but the fish cake tastes similar to what I ate when I was young. Think of the


I want to see my friends. I miss a lot of my childhood friends, whom I have not heard from a long time ago. How will I live? Will I be able to meet my cute and pretty friend?~


앙꼬와 함께 불금 보내고 있네요 앙꼬는 사랑 ~ 앙꼬는 희망 ~ 앙꼬 앙꼬 앙꼬 홀더님들 오늘도 앙꼬를 채굴하면서 맛저하시고 즐거운 시간 많이 보내세요 ^ 앙꼬코인 아자아자 화이팅 ^


남편이 종합검진받으려고 오늘 저녁부터 검식에다 약먹고 변을 설사로 속을 비워야합니다 .대장 내시경을 하니까요 .2년마다 국가에서하는 검사를 받았는데 이번에는 돈주고 검사해볼려구요.

nahi hu

일주일의 절반이 지났네요, 모두들 수고가 많습니다… 씻고 나서 저녁식사 후에 고단한 몸을 이끌고 몇자 적어봅니다. 오늘은 일찍 잠자리에 들어야겠습니다. 오늘 하루도 모두 수고하셨습니다.^^