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Hello !

ANKO(now) : 388419🪙

(total) : 43868419🪙


Fantastic project with great potential. The team’s dedication and ingenuity with excellent fan support will make this the envy of the crypto world. Glad to be part.


gmna sih krja kalau udah ngga nyaman, pasti rasa pngen cepet keluar


jangan lupa kalim anko kalian dari box dan puzzle ya


bantu like komen subrek ya kka, dan jangan lupa open box ankonya


Fantastic project with great potential. The team’s dedication and ingenuity with excellent fan support will make this the envy of the crypto world. Glad to be part.


keep healthy in winter, cheer up the anko collection

good morning

hello anko holder how are you today, rainy season, always take care of your health

pasif income

cheer up your day for a pleasant income good luck always

anko holder

hold anko become to the moon, rich rich lfg

anko price prediction

if you hold anko, what is the prediction of the price of anko in the next 1 year

good morning

Very brilliant & interesting project at its early stage. I really excited for this  airdrop Its community is fast growing. This has definitely huge potential as well.

good morning

Thank You for introducing this project to the public, hopefully in the future this project can provide satisfaction to all those who have worked hard on this project


generate passive income maybe what everyone wants

btc price

what price will btc be today, is your analysis appropriate

Glad to be part community

Very brilliant & interesting project at its early stage. I really excited for this  airdrop Its community is fast growing. This has definitely huge potential as well.

good morning

hard work with enthusiasm will make the future better


how to manage your money in the right way for future savings and for needs

hold anko

hold as much anko as possible in order to get the best price


semangat ngumpulin ankonya teman, saling like komen ya

jumat berkah

jangan lupa sholat jumat untuk umat muslim


musim hujan ,daerah anda hujan juga ngga bang