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mind gamer crypto trader loves to use my brain

ANKO(now) : 10979028🪙

(total) : 42659028🪙


♡The flower of my heart to you♡ I hope you are always happy. You and I have to meet you at least once. It may be inevitable, fate, or fate. Thanks to you, I have learned to wait a lot of time, and I have a beautiful heart called love. Although we live in different


nd it became 1.3, so they did well on Taegeuk Poomsae 1 and 3, so all 9 of them passed. The passion is great. When I was young and trying to make money, I tried to exercise with my toned body, but my body was so hard. However, when I see them come out every

anko with you

If we are always with Anko, we have a future together. If we are together with Anko, we will all be happy. Today is also a great day. Fighting together.


very nice and best token all of them are join us for a while now start bets on the way home now start bets on the way home now start bets on the way home now


I only look for cold foods like ice cream and shaved ice, which I couldn’t eat because my teeth hurt.


yes im good im feeling alright naruto yes im good im feeling alright naruto


very cold guys tell me your weather what u fell in the weather

come back BTC

BTC dear come back again 5=90000 BTC dear BTC dear BTC dear come back again 5=90000 come back again 5=90000 come back again 5=90000


patientce very hard to say patientce very hard to say patientce very hard to say patientce very hard to say


mood off ki khbr sobar mood off ki khbr sobar mood off ki khbr sobar vvvvmood off ki khbr sobar vvmood off ki khbr sobar mood off ki khbr sobar

biya krmu

onk thanda re vaai biya kormu 4 ta biya kormu

raise uy hand

eto thanda kn re vaai kmn thanda vaai soabi ekru boln


kmn thdaa re vaai kobe je biy akromu re vaai


vote 2024 bd vote 2024 bd vote 2024 bd vote 2024 bd vote 2024 bd


Be stronger than those who hate you, so that they cannot destroy you, and then forgive themOut of what context!? His prior statement was clear, so most likely he was overridden by the White House. This means that the open border policy will remain in place with no change


Eln Mask Said taht Worth going back & forth between For You & Following tabs, so you see both your explicit follows & algorithmic recommendations


0xDfd3992e5C7625ee5797967E6645eD387E8b0DB4One famous poet known for writing about rain is Langston Hughes. He wrote a poem titled “April Rain Song” that beautifully captures the essence of rain in a lyrical and evocative way. Here’s an excerpt: “Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing


hey guys whats up hope doing good anko coin new update goodor bad comment yr thiught


이상하게 변덕 부리는 날씨에도 일주일의 반 수요일이 가고 있습니다. 다들 건강에 유의하시고 행복하게 하루를 마무리하세요. 앙꼬화이팅!


가장 무서운 사람은 나의 장단점을 알고있는 사람이고 가장 경계해야 할 사람은 두 마음을 품고 있는 사람이며 가장 간사한 사람은 타인을 필요로 할 때 이용하는 사람입니다. 가장 나쁜 친구는


Congratulations on Anko’s listing. Ethereum Anko only. Please take a look at the notice and hope there is no mistake. Currently, the encores received through bulletin board activities are polygon encores. Anko fighting!!! (part of notice) ANKO/USDT will be listed on the DeepCoin Exchange a


오늘 무슨일이 있어나 생각해 보는데 정말 너무나 익숙한 하루라 특별히 생각나는 일이 없어요 글을 쓰려 하는데 이렇게 아무생각 안나는 경우도 있네요. 어쩌면 아무일 없는 지금이 참 좋은것이겠죠 아님 뭔가 오기전의 고요인 것일까요?? 그냥 앙꼬가 떡상했으면 좋겠다라는 생각만 나네요^^


황사가 갈수록 심해진다는 생각이 듭니다. 몇년전까지만해도 부산경남지역은 황사가 오지 않았는데 지금은 그렇지 않습니다.


앙꼬와 함께 불금 보내고 있네요 앙꼬는 사랑 ~ 앙꼬는 희망 ~ 앙꼬 앙꼬 앙꼬 홀더님들 오늘도 앙꼬를 채굴하면서 맛저하시고 즐거운 시간 많이 보내세요 ^ 앙꼬코인 아자아자 화이팅 ^