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Did you know

Did you know that the first atomic bomb in World War II was created by America, and this bomb was dropped in the city of Hiroshima in Japan. [ 1 ] Did you know that the number of bacteria in the ear

Did you know

The gravity on the moon’s surface is one-sixth of the gravity on the earth’s surface. For example, when a person weighs 68 kilograms on the surface of the Earth, he weighs only 11 kilograms on the surface of the moon. This is because the Moon’s gravity is less towards you

Did you know

The number of planets in the solar system is eight: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, all of which are rocky inner planets. As for the giant gas outer planets, they are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Did you know

Bromine and mercury are the only elements that exist in liquid form at room temperature, and a large block of gallium can be melted by the heat of the hands by holding it in the hand.

Did you know

Human eyes blink approximately 20 times per minute, with the number of eye blinks reaching more than 10 million per year.

What do you know about India?

The people of India have a culture, customs, traditions, dances, clothes, homes, and local drinks that distinguish them from other peoples, and highlight their identity. They are a people who live in absolute peace and harmony. The majority of the people of India are gentle, honest, and always smiling.

Did you know

Swimming helps improve health in addition to various cognitive skills, including arithmetic skills, because the swimmer calculates the distances he covers in each round, as research results conducted on…

Did you know

Bananas protect against colon cancer, because they contain fiber and resistant starch, especially in immature bananas, as they are not completely digested, so they reach the large intestine, and end up as food for beneficial bacteria in the stomach.

Did you know

The gravity on the moon’s surface is one-sixth of the gravity on the earth’s surface. For example, when a person weighs 68 kilograms on the surface of the Earth, he weighs only 11 kilograms on the surface of the moon. This is because the Moon’s gravity is less towards you

Did you know

Bromine and mercury are the only two elements that exist in liquid form at room temperature, and a large block of gallium can be melted with the heat of the hands by holding it in a hand.

Did you know

Drinking lemon water reduces the risk of exposure to cancer, as the antioxidant properties in lemon work to strengthen the growth of healthy cells, in addition to strengthening the human immune system.

Did you know

The radio was invented in 1889 AD by the German Henry Hertz, but the invention did not reach its final peak until two years after his death.

Did you know

A French study has proven that there is a relationship between forehead wrinkles and the risk of heart disease. They may be more than just an indication of aging. This study includes deep wrinkles, not simple wrinkles, as they may be a sign.

Did you know

Swimming helps improve health in addition to various cognitive skills, including arithmetic skills, because the swimmer calculates the distances he covers in each round, as research results conducted on…

Did you know

Bananas protect against colon cancer, because they contain fiber and resistant starch, especially in immature bananas, as they are not completely digested, so they reach the large intestine, and end up as food for beneficial bacteria in the stomach.

Did you know

Dogs transmit some diseases that they infect to humans, such as: external parasites and intestinal parasites such as taeniasis resulting from tapeworms that are transmitted via fleas to dogs, and then to humans.

أين سجلت أعلى درجة حرارة

سجلت منطقة العزيزية التي تقع في ليبيا، أعلى درجات حرارة على كوكب الأرض، حيث بلغت درجة الحرارة فيها (57.8) درجة مئوية في الثالث عشر من أيلول عام 1922م، وفقا لمرصد الأرض التابع لناس

Which is the smallest planet?

The planet Mercury is considered the smallest planet in the solar system and the closest to the sun. To know the order of the rest of the planets in the solar system, you can see the order in the table.

What is the benefit of swimming?

Swimming helps improve health in addition to various cognitive skills, including arithmetic skills, because the swimmer calculates the distances he covers in each round, as research results conducted on…

Who invented the radio?

The radio was invented in 1889 AD by the German Henry Hertz, but the invention did not reach its final peak until two years after his death.

Do you know how much gravity is equal to the moon and the earth?

The gravity on the moon’s surface is one-sixth of the gravity on the earth’s surface. For example, when a person weighs 68 kilograms on the surface of the Earth, he weighs only 11 kilograms on the surface of the moon. This is because the Moon’s gravity is less towards you