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Author of The Big Short: SBF once offered to give Trump 5 billion USD to prevent him from running for president, and also planned

Odaily Planet Daily News The Big Short Michael Lewis reveals in his new book Going Infinite that the SBF had some strange plans, including: 1. The SBF once offered Trump $5 billion to prevent him from participating in the election presidential election in 2024 because he worries that Trump will further weaken American democracy. 2. SBF spent $12 million to support Carrick Flynn’s Democratic primary campaign, which ultimately failed. SBF believes that Flynn can help him fight what he sees as three major threats to humanity: epidemics, biased artificial intelligence, and the collapse of democracy. 3. SBF meets with the Prime Minister of the Bahamas to discuss paying off the country’s entire national debt of about 10 billion USD. 4. SBF plans to apply for a $1 billion loan from Morgan Stanley to participate in Musk’s Twitter acquisition and plans to use FTT tokens as collateral. Lewis said Musk sought help from SBF to raise $44 billion for the deal. (Block)


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