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REFERRAL : a06528078f
🤗 Hi #Athene Miners!

After King of Meme’s Founders discussed, we’re pleased to announce that👇
🚀 From next month (March), instead of 1 GEM = 1 Lion; you guys will receive 1 #GEM = 50 #Lion 👉 boosting your Lion token holdings.

💎 Also, #GEM can still be converted to #ATH as usual.

For example:
📆 Early in March:
#GEM to #ATH conversion rate: 1 GEM = 0.02 ATH
You have 45,000 GEM
👉 So, you’ll get:
45,000 x 0.02 = 900 ATH
And 45,000 x 50 = 2,250,000 Lion

💸 Get ready for more opportunities!

Related news:
📌 Angel round
📌 Athene Network Smuck Appleswap.ai
📌 Unveils #Lion Token – The King of Memes
📌 AP price increased by 400%
📌 The upcoming Premium Package will be launched next week: increase 300% your mining speed.
📌 Athene Prediction will be launched next week (You can use ATH to predict BTC to increase the amount of ATH)
📌 3,000 GEM Giveaway for Each Person on February Event
📌 Athene’s plans in the short term of 2024
📍 For more details:
Website ATH | Telegram Channel | Telegram Group | Facebook | Twitter | Download iOS | Download Android | Athene Gaming

👨‍🚀 Wendy1313


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