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He was still saying two days ago, “I don’t care about you.”
He was still writing a paper with your lover’s signature
Suddenly life turned upside down and he revealed his true identity
The tone of his feelings changed and I found a devil
He was still saying two days ago, I will not leave you
He was still writing a paper with your lover’s signature
Suddenly life turned upside down and he revealed his true identity
The tone of his feelings changed and I found a devil
He made a bet on me and told them
This is not strong, I will leave it for you as a ring in my hands
Congratulations to you and they have achieved what they wanted
This is the time when I am the weakest person in this world
He made a bet on me and told them
This is not strong, I will leave it for you as a ring in my hands
Congratulations to you and they have achieved what they wanted
This is the time when I am the weakest person in this world
You won the bet


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