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REPORT: Chinese liquor giant Moutai unveils NFTs linked to liquor bottles

▶️ Kweichow Moutai, one of the largest Chinese companies by market capitalization, announced the launch of its NFT collection on Saturday, which grants owners the right to purchase limited-edition liquor in the real world. Last Saturday, Moutai began issuing the 113,960 Lichun-themed NFTs alongside their physical liquor counterparts. Each bottle is connected to a single blockchain-based NFT.

▶️ Lichun is the first of the traditional Chinese calendar’s 24 solar terms. Moutai stated that it plans to issue NFTs and physical products for each solar term. The NFT-linked bottles are on sale for 2,899 yuan ($427) for 500-milliliter bottles and 569 yuan for 100-ml bottles, with a total value of 139 million yuan (over $20 million). The NFTs can be earned by completing gaming tasks in the Xunfeng Digital World, an app that contains a digital replica of the company’s winery.

Source: Forkast


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